Altitude and GPS Lookup

Elevations & coordinate finder map on OSM

Altitude with GPS Coordinates GPS Coordinates Lookup

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GPS Longitude:
GPS Latitude:

What is this Altitude and GPS coordinate lookup tool, and can it be used?

Welcome to our interactive altitude map! With this map, you have the power to explore the world and discover the altitude and GPS coordinates of any location with just a few simple clicks.

To get started, open the page with the map. The map will be displayed and ready for you to explore. Use your cursor to click and drag the map to navigate to the location you are interested in. Move around the map, and zoom in and out to get a better view of the area. Once you have found the location you want to explore, it's time to get the altitude and GPS coordinates.

Now, take your cursor and click on the specific point on the map where you would like to find the altitude and GPS coordinates. As soon as you click, the altitude and GPS coordinates for that point will be displayed on the screen. It's that easy! With this interactive map, you can discover the altitude and GPS coordinates of any location in the world, whether it's a mountain peak or a remote island.

We hope you enjoy exploring and discovering new and exciting places with our map. Happy exploring!

What to use an altitude lookup map/tool for?

An altitude lookup map or tool can be used for various purposes, some of which include:

  • Hiking and outdoor activities: By identifying the altitude of a specific location, hikers and outdoor enthusiasts can plan their routes and determine the level of difficulty of a hike.
  • Flight planning: Pilots can use altitude lookup maps to plan their routes and avoid areas with high terrain.
  • Photography: Photographers can use altitude information to plan shots and determine the best time of day to capture a specific location.
  • Real estate: Real estate professionals can use altitude information to understand the topography of a specific area and identify potential flood or erosion hazards.
  • Agriculture: Farmers and ranchers can use altitude information to plan crop rotations and grazing patterns.
  • Climate and weather: Altitude data can be used to understand the effects of altitude on temperature, precipitation, and other meteorological variables.
  • Geography and surveying: Altitude data can be used to understand the topography of an area and to identify potential hazards and opportunities for development.
  • Disaster management: Altitude data can be used to identify areas at risk of flooding, landslides, and other natural disasters.

Altitude lookup maps and tools can also be used for a variety of sporting activities such as:

  • Cycling: Cyclists can use altitude information to plan routes and identify challenging climbs.
  • Skiing and snowboarding: Skiers and snowboarders can use altitude information to identify ski resorts with the highest elevations and longest runs.
  • Running: Runners can use altitude information to plan routes and identify challenging hills and elevations.
  • Paragliding and hang gliding: Pilots can use altitude information to identify launch sites with the highest elevations and best thermals.
  • Rock climbing: Climbers can use altitude information to identify climbing routes and potential hazards.
  • Motor sports: Racers and drivers can use altitude information to identify tracks with the highest elevations and steepest grades.
  • Adventure sports: Adventure enthusiasts can use altitude information to identify locations with the highest peaks and most challenging terrain for activities such as bungee jumping, skydiving, and paragliding.
  • Ultralight and Light Sport Aircraft: Pilots can use altitude information to plan routes and avoid areas with high terrain and obstacles.
  • Triathlons and other endurance sports: Athletes and coaches can use altitude information to plan routes and training programs that simulate race conditions.

By using altitude information, athletes and enthusiasts can plan and prepare for their activities more effectively, which can lead to better performance and safety.

Did you know about the altitudes?

Altitude measurement, also known as elevation measurement, is the process of determining the height of a point above a fixed reference point, typically sea level. The earliest known methods of altitude measurement date back to ancient civilizations, where people used simple tools such as a barometer to measure the pressure of the air, which can be used to infer altitude.

In the 18th century, the invention of the mercury barometer made altitude measurement more accurate and widely available. This led to the development of the first mountain climbing expeditions, as well as the exploration of higher elevations for scientific research.v

In the 19th century, the invention of the aneroid barometer, which used a sealed metal box filled with air instead of mercury, made altitude measurement more portable and accessible. This allowed for more accurate measurements to be taken in remote and inaccessible areas.

In the 20th century, technological advancements such as radar and GPS made altitude measurements even more precise and widely available. Today, altitude measurement is used in various fields, such as aviation, navigation, surveying, and meteorology.

Currently, there are several methods for altitude measurement, including GPS, barometric altimeter, radar altimeter, and laser altimeter. These methods can be used for different applications and have different levels of accuracy; for example, GPS is widely used for navigation and outdoor activities, but its accuracy is limited to around 10-20 meters. While radar altimeters, used in aviation and space applications, can have an accuracy of centimeters.

Overall, altitude measurement has a rich history and has undergone significant technological advancements over the centuries. Today, it is an essential tool used in a variety of fields, enabling us to better understand and navigate the world around us.

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